An annual conference celebrating the Divine Feminine. The Women and Spirituality Conference is Dedicated to Deepening our Connections, Embracing our Wholeness and Awakening our Wisdom
Category: <span>2024 Session ONE</span>

The Masks of the Goddess Project with Lauren Raine

Telling Her Stories, Finding Her Faces “What the audience saw when a dancer looked through the eyes of the mask was the Goddess Herself, ancient and yet utterly contemporary, looking across time, across the miles.”…Diane Darling, Director, Playwright In traditional societies masks are regarded as “vessels for the gods“, transformative …

Accompanying Healing Justice Work: Giving & Doing in Alignment with Spirituality with Katherine Wojtan and Erin Williams Rodriguez

This workshop will explore the various forms of philanthropy – one on one, community welfare, and institutional, and how they intersect with personal values. Participants will learn about types of social justice issues, actions and methods of change, and trust-based philanthropy. Finally, participants will be asked to identify aligned actions …

Signs and Synchronicity: Messages from the Universe with Diane Anderson

The Universe is always speaking to us through signs and synchronicities. Life has more meaning when we are open to receiving the messages. This workshop will examine ways to recognize and interpret the guidance that is available to each of us. Synchronicities provide insights to help solve problems and guide …

From Burnout to Breath: How I Reclaimed Myself with Somatic Breathwork with Sonya Parks

In this storytelling experience, I share my experience of being a former people-pleaser incapable of saying no and how it led me to compassion fatigue and burnout, so badly that I had to walk away from my job. Recovering from burnout was a long and slow process and breathwork was …

Exploring the Five Wisdom Energies with Nicolle Neill Roen

Also known as the Buddha Families, the five wisdom energies are the basis of the five colors of the Tibetan prayer flags seen so frequently in today’s world, and a fundamental teaching of Tibetan Buddhist psychology. We will use music, movement, objects, activities, affirmations, and maitri (loving kindness) meditation to …

Ocean Flow Dance: Breath, Movement and Connection with Bonnie Berquam and Cathy Petersen

This workshop focuses on connecting to the earth and using our body to express the flow of the ocean. Using breath and sounding tools, gentle movement from ancient women’s dances, we can access our connection to ocean flow and create a dance together. Open to all participants; come ready to …