*Save the Date*
September 27th & 28th 2025
St. Mary’s University Cascade Meadows Campus, Rochester, MN

Planning is underway for our next conference, with over 36 workshops to choose from, vendors, exhibitors and more, you won’t want to miss out. So many women’s voices sharing their wisdom, offering their healing, together in community since 1981. Explore the beauty of the land, network and find community with like-minded souls, experience art in the Maker’s Space, find solace in the Chaplain’s Corner and so much more!

What will 2025 bring?
2024 was the year of flow, our conference focus was on getting into and staying aligned with our creativity, imagination, personal power, and alignment with our highest & best selves. Our workshops and program emphasized ways to get into a flow state, and once finding that state of flow – working on strategies for staying there.
2023 was a year for immersion into the Land, our relationship with earth, her connection to the divine feminine… our messaging was also focused on finding our soul’s purpose and owning and accepting the work we were born to do. As we begin to walk down that path with determination and ownership of our authenticity – life will present challenges. How we face those challenges – whether we are able to rise to the challenge or if we continue to fall down and make excuses and play it safe by staying numb – will determine the outcome of the future we are co-creating as humanity is clearly on the edge of global change, societal upheaval and paradigm shift. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Are you on the mailing list for updates? Use the Contact Us link below and make sure you stay up to date! If you are interested in volunteering, sponsoring or being part of the 2024 conference planning team, we would love to hear from you. Together we can ensure this important event continues to provide a safe and nurturing space for healing, renewal, personal and planetary growth.
image credit: Lauren Raine

Mission & Vision Statement
Vision: To embody the wisdom of the divine feminine through spiritual awakening and alignment with our soul’s purpose, empowering women to co-create a balanced, harmonious world through community, sisterhood and inclusion.
Mission: To provide a safe, welcoming environment for women in all stages of life, from all cultures and backgrounds where they can experience meaningful engagement, interaction and community through workshops, celebrations and ceremonies designed to create an empowering, transformational holistic healing experience. We strive to embody the values of the divine feminine including compassion, belonging, cooperation, gentleness, acceptance, with honor and reverence for the earth and all her gifts.
We recognize the challenges presented by gender normative social constraints and seek to create a space where we are passionate about inclusion. If you are called to hear the wisdom of the divine feminine then this is a safe space for you. We do not seek to create division or sew discord but to open our hearts and minds to the value in understanding our differences. Only then can we collaborate and find true community.

2024 WSC Partners and Sponsors

We are proud to partner with The Hermitage Farm Center for Healing, providing a dedicated space for your self care and rejuvenation. More about their work here.