An annual conference celebrating the Divine Feminine. The Women and Spirituality Conference is Dedicated to Deepening our Connections, Embracing our Wholeness and Awakening our Wisdom
Raising your Vibration through Sacred Rose Energy with Sara Anondson

Raising your Vibration through Sacred Rose Energy with Sara Anondson

Sara will lead the group with a relaxing, guided meditation to connect and ground to the earth, connect in with the universe, and build a connection to the roses we will be working with in the session. Participants will place roses on their body for the duration of the meditation and use them to raise the physical vibration of their body, ease pain and promote healing and create a sense of peace and relaxation. Roses are one of the oldest living plants on earth and have been sacred through history in many religions and spiritual practices. They vibrate at 320MHz which is approximately 4 1/2 times the vibration of a healthy human body (68-72MHz).
Our physical vibration can be lowered from many things such as stress, negative self talk, trauma and anxiety, to name a few. When in balance and in a state of high vibration we operate from a place of joy. love, and happiness. This high vibration allows us to maintain a state of flow and to draw in other high vibration energies and people into our world, attracting more of what we would like in our world. There are many ways to raise our vibration and we will discuss as a group how we can impact our vibration, and what we noticed in the past when we were in a high or low vibration state. The group will leave this workshop better understanding ways to increase their vibration and how this can lead to a happier and healthier life drawing in abundance and prosperity. They will also learn to recognize a low vibration state and how that impacts their immune system, mental health physical well being, relationships, and their ability to stay in flow.


Sara Anondson invites you to ignite your spark and transform your life. She can guide you through stuck places by removing energetic blockages, allowing you to uncover your life’s purpose and explore your power. As a spiritual coach, intuitive medium, business mentor, sacred rose healer, shamanic practitioner and Reiki master teacher of two lineages, Sara brings a well rounded approach to her offering. Visit to schedule a free consultation.