An annual conference celebrating the Divine Feminine. The Women and Spirituality Conference is Dedicated to Deepening our Connections, Embracing our Wholeness and Awakening our Wisdom
Ocean Flow Dance: Breath, Movement and Connection with Bonnie Berquam and Cathy Petersen

Ocean Flow Dance: Breath, Movement and Connection with Bonnie Berquam and Cathy Petersen

This workshop focuses on connecting to the earth and using our body to express the flow of the ocean. Using breath and sounding tools, gentle movement from ancient women’s dances, we can access our connection to ocean flow and create a dance together. Open to all participants; come ready to move in whatever way you can. Child friendly.
Wear clothes that are comfortable to move in, including something that represents the ocean, such as a flowy skirt, a shell necklace. Bring a piece of fabric or scarf that is fun to dance with. Participants will follow simple instructions to experience deeper breath, stronger body awareness and explore physical movements to connect with and express their own interpretation of ocean flow.
This workshop will be held outside, with inside space reserved in case of rain.


Bonnie Berquam is a life long dancer. She has studied many dance forms including Middle Eastern (belly dance), ballet, interpretive dance, yoga and more. She fell in love with belly dance at this conference in 1992. She is Event Officer on the Board for the Guild of Middle Eastern Dance, co-leads the Khazanah troupe, a belly dance group for women over 59 and is a proud member of SageHeart (a heart-centered dance trio). She is also a Certified Breath Coach for BreathLogic.

Cathy Petersen began dancing ballet at the Minnesota Dance Theater’s (MDT) school at 28. She’s never looked back; dance became her passion. The MDT classes opened the door to many forms of dance including contra, swing, salsa, Zydeco, Argentine tango, and raqs sharqi (belly dance). She’s a member of the dance group, Khazanah. She’s presently or previously served on the boards of the Guild of Middle Eastern Dance, Tango Society of Minnesota, and Jawaahir Dance Company.