An annual conference celebrating the Divine Feminine. The Women and Spirituality Conference is Dedicated to Deepening our Connections, Embracing our Wholeness and Awakening our Wisdom
Exploring the Five Wisdom Energies with Nicolle Neill Roen

Exploring the Five Wisdom Energies with Nicolle Neill Roen

Also known as the Buddha Families, the five wisdom energies are the basis of the five colors of the Tibetan prayer flags seen so frequently in today’s world, and a fundamental teaching of Tibetan Buddhist psychology. We will use music, movement, objects, activities, affirmations, and maitri (loving kindness) meditation to explore these energies in a playful and relaxed environment. We will discuss the way these different wisdom energies manifest in our day-to-day lives, and how we might bring balance to our lives through recognizing and utilizing the different energies, cultivating stability and balance in our mind and body.


Nicolle Neill Roen began studying Buddhism and meditation as a part of yoga teacher training in 2007. As a lover of the various systems humans use to understand themselves and each other-astrology, tarot, Ayurvedic doshas, love languages, etc, Nicolle was drawn to the teaching on the five Buddha families as soon as she encountered them. She has engaged with the teaching via books, workshops, study groups, and focused retreats.