An annual conference celebrating the Divine Feminine. The Women and Spirituality Conference is Dedicated to Deepening our Connections, Embracing our Wholeness and Awakening our Wisdom
Developing Resilience Tools for Navigating Life’s Journey & Tapping into Akashic Records with Maria Serbus

Developing Resilience Tools for Navigating Life’s Journey & Tapping into Akashic Records with Maria Serbus

Maria will lead the group through resilience somatic techniques that you can use in your everyday routines to manage stress, and find more joy & calm. This interactive workshop will allow you to reconnect with your body’s stress signals and use that awareness to empower you to use your resilience tools. Maria will also introduce the Akashic Records and explain how tapping into them – or some form of spiritual practice – can support you in finding peace and calm on your journey. She will guide participants to find the support and healing one can find from tapping into Higher Self and Source. She will share more of her journey to inspire others.


Maria is an intuitive, psychic medium, and Akashic Records channeler here to support high achievers, change makers, and female entrepreneurs on a mission unlock your intuition, connect to your spiritual gifts, and your higher purpose helping you grow a thriving business combining the feminine and masculine elements of business.
As a former high achieving, people pleasing, overachiever who worked 8 years in healthcare, through her own journey of managing her anxiety, healing from past wounds and old subconscious programs, she has been able to shift and evolve from an occupational therapist in health care, to stress management consultant, to now spiritual coach, psychic medium, and speaker.

Learn more about Maria by visiting her website