An annual conference celebrating the Divine Feminine. The Women and Spirituality Conference is Dedicated to Deepening our Connections, Embracing our Wholeness and Awakening our Wisdom
Category: <span>2024 Session SIX</span>

The Once and Future Goddess in America: The Influence of the Goddess From Our Nation’s Formative Years and Into the Age of Aquarius with Krisztina Potyondy

The purpose of this workshop is to understand how the Goddess tradition has been instrumental in the founding of our nation and how the Divine Feminine continues to influence domestic and world affairs. We will explore how the Goddess tradition was used in the founding of our nation especially through …

Letting Go to Stay in the Flow with Julie Trombley

Join Julie to explore practices for letting go of what no longer serves you. This session is perfect for people who feel weighed down by something they’d like to release. This session is part education, part experiential, and always interactive. You’ll spend the 90-minutes learning, connecting with your body, connecting …

Wasteland and River: Painting a Mandorla for Creative Flow with Janet Marinelli & Carol Geisler

Using the symbol of the mandorla, we will explore our paradoxical experiences of both the Wasteland (stagnation) and River (flow) as described in Sharon Blackie’s The Rooted Woman Oracle Guidebook. Together we will create a mandorla painting and observe our unique processes that support and block flow. The mandorla is …

Letting it Flow – Tai Chi, Chi Gung Movement with Stephanie Siddiqui

Join Stephanie for slow movement, meditation, and music. These practices have been researched and proven to help us feel better by relaxing our nervous system which helps with healing. Healing is flowing within the realm of possibility of our physical, mental, and spiritual limits. Our essence of who one is …

The Spiral Journey of Active Hope: the Work That Reconnects with Roberta Cassidy

Does your heart hurt in these volatile times? Do you feel stuck, helpless, despair in the face of it all? This introductory workshop, designed for participants aged 16 and up, will help with your heartache, stuckness, worry and despair by grounding and nourishing you in the teachings of the “The …