An annual conference celebrating the Divine Feminine. The Women and Spirituality Conference is Dedicated to Deepening our Connections, Embracing our Wholeness and Awakening our Wisdom
Category: <span>2024 Session FIVE</span>

The History, Philosophy, and Magical Practice of Beauty with Patricia Ballentine

Beauty is essential for the evolution of humanity. In a world that, to many, seems to have gone mad; a world filled with so much ugliness, we need to dream forward new ways to move through to better solutions. Some of us need to hold and expand the light of …

A New Era of Feminine Energy: Embracing the Asteroid Goddesses with Kailean Welsh

Life on Earth is changing rapidly as feminine energy is emerging in a new and revitalized way. Cultural patterns, patriarchal programming, and social limitations have repressed, suppressed, ridiculed, or denied much of the vital, life-enhancing qualities of yin energy. The pure power of the feminine has been distorted, creating a …

Feng Shui: The Art of Placement to Create Flow & Harmony with Vaishali Joshi

Participants will learn the principles of Feng Shui, the energy map of their spaces (homes/offices) and about the five elements. They will leave with a deep understanding of energy flow in their spaces and how to make adjustments to create a balanced and harmious environment that supports their vision of …

What Really Matters? Sharing a Cup of MortaliTea & Exploring Spiritual Urgency with Deah Kinion

What makes life worth living? What is your purpose? We’ll take time to look at our lives’ purpose, goals, values, find & cultivate meaning and what really matters. Are we living our authentic life? How does spiritual urgency fit in? Are we ready to die content and prepared, no matter …

Intro to Sound Healing & Sound Bath with Maria Voorhees – Reincke

Sound Healing, also known as a Sound bath, Sound meditation, Sound journeys, and Sound therapy has been around for over 40,000 dating back to Ancient civilizations in Tibet, China, India, Latin America, Africa & Greece. These ancient civilizations used sound healing for the powerful effects it has on the mind, …