An annual conference celebrating the Divine Feminine. The Women and Spirituality Conference is Dedicated to Deepening our Connections, Embracing our Wholeness and Awakening our Wisdom
Women & Spirituality Conference

Cancellation Policy

Please note, your credit card statement will indicate that your fee has been paid to Thresholdworks Media, LLC. If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]

Conference Attendee Refund Policy

While we understand that life happens and sometimes we need to change directions in mid-course – we also have responsibilities to covering our costs and may have difficulty filling the seats that you have reserved. Therefore, the following is our refund policy:

No refunds after September 1, 2024. Your registration is transferrable – you must notify us if someone else will be attending in your place prior to September 30th, 2024. Your replacement will need to register and provide their personal information and will be provided with a code to register.

If registering before September 1, 2024:
Full refunds available within 3 calendar days from the date you registered.
75% refund available for cancellations within 4 – 7 calendar days from the date you registered.
50% refund available for cancellations greater than 8 calendar days from the date you registered.

Vendor Booth Cancellation Policy

Once your application for booth space has been accepted and fees paid, your booth space is not transferable to another vendor unless agreed upon by all parties, including Thresholdworks Media, LLC. Booths may be shared with multiple vendors but all vendors must be included in your initial booth space application. Each vendor will complete a statement of tax liability prior to conducting sales and be responsible for collection and payment of any and all taxes related to your booth sales. Vendors may choose to carry their own insurance, as Thresholdworks Media, LLC will not be held responsible for losses or breakage of items in your vendor booth.

If you cancel 100 days or more prior to the start of the conference, you’ll receive credit for the cost of your booth space, less 10% transaction fee. This can be applied towards registration fees or a booth in future conferences, no cash refunds will be given.

Cancellations 60-99 days prior to the start of the conference and you’ll receive 75% credit of your booth space, less 10% transaction fee. This also can be applied towards registration fees or a booth in future conferences, no cash refunds will be given.

Cancel 30-59 days prior to the start of the conference and you’ll receive 50% credit of the cost of your booth space, less 10% transaction fee. This also can be applied  towards registration fees or a booth in future conferences, no cash refunds will be given.

Cancel 0-29 days prior to the start of the conference and you’ll receive 25% credit of the cost of your booth space, less 10% transaction fee. This also can be applied towards registration fees or a booth in future conferences, no cash refunds will be given.

To cancel, you must send an email stating that you wish to cancel to [email protected]